Tips to Keep Your Thyroid Healthy

Hampton Roads Health and Wellness Care LLC, your provider of primary care services in Chesapeake, Virginia, would like to respond to the challenge of Thyroid Awareness Month by helping people take care of their thyroid.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped part of the neck, which is a part of the endocrine system that makes hormones and regulates metabolism. You can take care of your thyroid through the following tips below.

  • Eating a well-balanced diet. 

    There should be 4-5 servings of vegetables and 3-4 servings of fruits on your plate. Consume lean proteins, fatty fish, and nuts as well.

  • Avoid processed foods. 

    These foods contain a lot of preservatives, sugar, and dyes so you should avoid consuming them as much as possible. Refrain from eating sugar-free substitutes and uncooked cruciferous vegetables as well.

  • Consider supplementation. 

    As your provider of family care in Virginia, we can recommend the right supplementation for you. But generally, selenium and Vitamin D are the best options. The former reduces anti-thyroid antibodies and the latter aids your immune system.

  • Avoid exposure to toxins. 

    Often environmental, you should be wary of these toxins. You can inhale it from carpets and leather products, and even consume it when you use non-stick pans. For external exposures, wash your hands with antibacterial soap right away.

The health of our thyroid depends on our lifestyle. Thus, we may not be able to completely refrain from consuming foods bad for our thyroid and getting ourselves exposed to factors that may damage it, but let’s at least try. Acute care specialists like us will guide you every step of the way.

We can get you treated in our clinic or at home through our in home services.

Contact our wellness care providers to get started!

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